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Bringing together extensive knowledge and tradition, with innovative thinking and modern solutions.​

WASSEF is a leading multi-disciplinary architecture and engineering company in Egypt. For more than forty-five years, we have delivered high quality, efficient, and consistent services. We invest in a deep understanding of our clients’ objectives in order to transform their needs into functional, imaginative, and sustainable spaces.


Structural & Civil Engineering

WASSEF is known to deliver high-quality and comprehensive civil and structural engineering design services that are in compliance with building and seismic codes, for all types of buildings with concrete and steel structures, such as schools, universities, office and residential buildings, hotel and resorts, to name a few. We provide technical depths of specialists in planning, economic studies, and heavy engineering construction. We also avail building permit applications, engineering and design, bidding, construction inspection, plan start-up, operations, and maintenance. 

WASSEF has worked with multinational teams, combining engineering with architecture and construction management to develop large-scale housing sites, utilities, and infrastructure for new communities. Our engineers work to provide design solutions that respond to value engineering and economy on those large scale projects, while supporting the architectural creativity, and aligning with all other disciplines to ensure the safety parameters of the building.

Other services offered include:

  • Investigations of both historic and non-historic buildings to determine the soundness of the existing structure. We use all available technologies and sophisticated non-destructive techniques, such as visual conditions surveys, to collect information about the building, and we may check existing blueprints, if available;
  • Restructuring & Restorations of historic buildings. Our main principle is to disturb as little of the original fabric as possible, by preserving its characteristics with correct and minimum interference. We regard structures under protection as pillars of our cultural identification, and thus require special attention and the greatest discipline and care; and, 

  • Security & Blast Resistance in association with subject-matter experts. Challenges include strict zoning for setbacks from property lines, and complex security requirements. Mitigation measures take into consideration everything from small firearms, forced-entry, and mob-type attack, to vehicular bombs, and other terrorist threats.
